Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Forgive & Forget

Forgiveness...readily received, hardly given, rarely sincere. We live in a world where we're each aware of our own imperfections yet we are unwilling to acknowledge the presence of each others'. If I wrong you,you must understand that I,as a human being,make mistakes therefore I am entitled to receive pardon for my shortcomings,while you,on the other hand,deserve no such right. Nasty mentality,isn't it!
Then comes the tricky part,the part II of the sequil; forgetting. I'm amazed at how people may claim to have granted forgiveness yet the misdeed will be brought up every chance they get. You may or may not realise it,but it is a way of saying "You wronged me,therefore you are forever indebted to me".
Grudges are a burden to the soul. You may think that it is a form of punishment to the person who wronged you, but you may be very surprised that, unlike you who is constantly replaying the "ordeal" in your head, the person may have forgotten all about the incident & is happily carrying on with their lives, oblivious to your misery. I got this from Buddha, apparently;
'Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.'
The season of Lent is a period of reconciliation. Believe me, there is no greater Easter present you could give to another than the words "I forgive you". There is nothing more liberating.
Be blessed.