Saturday, October 18, 2014

How You Doin'?

     I'm supposed to be studying for a midterm I have in 3 days, but hey, I'd rather be doing this. So, on the 22nd of last month, we - and by we I mean me and the wonderfully hilarious voices in my head - commemorated the 20th anniversary of the greatest show television has ever, or will ever, produce. Yes, people, F.R.I.E.N.D.S! So, as my way of celebrating the awesomeness that is this iconic show, here's a rundown of WHY WE LOVE FRIENDS!!!!! (cue applause)         

     I'm just gonna do it BuzzFeed-ish style, because, honestly, I could write a ballad about this thing. Heads up, I may be just a wee bit fanatical about it, but there are worse things to obsess about. Oh, and this is gonna be a long post (with a few references only devoted fans such as myself will get), but likely the most interesting thing you read this year, so sit tight, maybe get a snack?

Chandler Bing


    I cannot begin to express the love I feel for this character! Although this happens practically with all of them, 90% of the things that come out of Chandler's mouth will most likely leave you tilting your head sideways, eyebrow raised, thinking,"Whaaa???" (what you kids like to call WTF moments). The sarcastic word vomit is his most prized trait, I would say. It's like, "I know I don't have to be sarcastic, but the world has given me so much material to work with, and I'm just not one to be wasteful." (By the way, he's given me so much material to work with, I don't know what gifs to pick; he's just so flingin'-flangin' funny!)



Sometimes he takes things too lightly...


Let's not forget, the moves like CHANDLER

Give it up for the Chan-Chan-Man!

Phoebe Buffay
    My goal mission in life is to find a friend like Pheebs, although BuzzFeed seems to think that I'm most likely to be the Phoebe in my group of friends. Best compliment ever as far as I'm concerned. Alias Regina Phalange, (reasons best known to her), and briefly, Princess Consuela Banana Hammock (you can't make this stuff up), Phoebe's the quirky, eccentric, superstitious one of the group, and that's putting it mildly. Her aloofness just makes her all the more lovable.

She's street, kinky, 'Save the Planet' and brutally honest, all rolled into one blonde bombshell.


Oh yeah, and she sings. Her own compositions. Oh, boy...

Since crazy recognize crazy, she ended up marrying this guy...

But basically,

 'Nuff said.

Joey Tribbiani
    Sometimes Ken Adams. I tend to think of him as the slutty, lovable oaf of the group. He's the ultimate ladies' man, and the mastermind behind the best ever pick-up line, that works like a charm every time,

                                          Barney Stinson ain't got nothing on him

Now, Tribbianis may not be great thinkers or world leaders, they may not read a lot or run very fast, but damn it, they can eat! Oh, and one thing you probably wanna remember...

There's only one thing he likes as much as food...

He also kind of scares easy...

It doesn't usually go well when he tries to sound smart. He tries, he really does...


He's sweet and goofy and I love him!

Ross Geller
    Ah, the Divorce-Force extraordinaire. Even Joey doesn't understand how he got three women to marry him. He sure knows how to pick 'em...

He's the nerdy guy with a weird dinosaur obsession.


He's ordinarily a sweet guy, til, you know, he sleeps with the xerox girl, but hey,


What else...well, basically, he's all about dinosaurs and divorces. That is, when he's not doing seriously weird stuff to his body...

And screwing up the English language...

What's not to love!

Monica Geller
    OCD poster-child right there.
Phoebe: Because, I'm just, I'm incredibly anal and an unbelievable control freak.
Monica: No, you're not.
Phoebe: I know I'm not, but you are, and I was trying to spare your feelings.
 She's the 'mom'/drill sergeant of the group; the insanely competitive, responsible, voice-of-reason type, whose idea of fun is ironing wrapping paper and cleaning the oven.

A little bit of a wet blanket, but she has her raunchy moments...

And her moments of pure insanity...

And, she's capable of being funny too!

Admittedly, she really is the glue that holds the group together.

Rachel Green
    I feel like I watched her grow up. She went from ditzy, spoilt and pampered to, well, ditzy, responsible and employed. And promptly learned, the struggle is real.

She is not a morning person...

Were they on a break?

 She has such a way with words

At least she and Ross make a good parenting team...

Mainly, they are so adored because they have the kind of friendship and love everyone wants. So even though they don't really have other friends,

they're always there for each other.
    Kinda sucks to not have new episodes anymore, but this is the one show I can watch over and over again and laugh just as hard every time. For those who haven't watched FRIENDS (because you live under a rock...?), fret not, all 10 seasons of it will be on Netflix in January!

   Well, this was fun!