I guess this post is just to touch base with y'all and make sure you don't forget about little old me. My life right now is pretty much centered around my studies (cannot believe I'm graduating next year!!!) It's March, and already there's been a lot happening, most of it being personal stuff I won't bore you with. It's been crazy, but I think things are going in the right direction. The past three months have been a lot of reflecting of where I'm at in my life, what's next after school, that sort of thing. It's also been a time of teaching myself to be vulnerable to and appreciative of God's work in my life, and seek His direction. I try to keep in touch with whether I'm happy, figuring out what I need less of around me, and surrounding myself with people and things that encompass the vibe I want around me. Other than that, nothing groundbreaking has happened so far. It's been a month since I deleted Facebook from my phone. Can't say I miss it terribly.
This girl is ready for summer! Excited for new experiences and discovering potential career paths. Yay adulting! (Half of it is looking forward to getting a paycheck and indulging in my fashion addictions. I may be more into the grunge look than I realized. Stalk me on Pinterest). But it's Rochester, and it's currently flipping me off in that regard, so giant snow boots it is. Also looking forward to visiting home, even for a short while. Have you ever just zoned out of a convo because you started daydreaming about nyama choma (a special kind of perfectly charred grilled beef you will only ever experience in Kenya, East Africa. Take my word for it)? Anyway, yeah...chugging along.
If you're interested in my occasional rambling, join the cool kids and hit follow!

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